Friday, June 5, 2009

Arthritis Symptoms Causes Suggestions

This illness is not common but when it occurs it requires medical attention.
Arthritis Symptoms Causes Suggestions Symptoms: Inflammation and pain the joints, usually beginning in the hands or feet but can also occur in the spinal column or in other areas. The cases of spinal column are more prevalent amongst the younger generation working in jobs which require continuous sitting on desk i.e. computer professionals, data entry, software developers, bank employees etc. It is mainly because of continuous sitting in abnormal postures. Humid climate and cold weather increase the pain. It can become difficult to move and also can cause a deformation in the affected area of the body. It generally increases with time, impending freedom or movement.

Suggestion: It is recommended to eliminate red meats, alcohol, cigarettes and toxic elements. Allergies to certain foods can produce inflammation in the joints. The most common four are: flour, sugar, whole milk, potatoes and black pepper. Avoid butter and fried foods.
Red Meats contain a fatty acid called Aracidonic acid. This acid contributes greatly to the inflammation of the tissues.
A non-vegetarian diet impedes and blocks the process whereby Aracidonic acid is converted into inflammatory prostaglandin.
The same benefits have been found by consuming fish oil form cold, fresh water fish which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids like Omega-3, also Omega-6 and Omega-9, or oleic acid found in olive oil.
It has been found that cranberries, from the same family as blackberries, strawberries and cherries, principally of a dark violet blue color, contain bioflavonoid, which acts as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing agents.
It is strongly recommended to consume this type of fruit in large quantities. Same treatment is recommended for gout.
Other elements that have been effective against rheumatoid arthritis are: Selenium, a powerful anti-oxidizer that plays an important part in blocking the production of inflammatory prostaglandin.
Vitamin – E, when combined with selenium, makes it more powerful.
Arthritis Symptoms Causes Suggestions

Other helpful elements are:
Zinc: Dr, Michael Murray in his book “Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine” says that zinc given to a group of patients significantly improved the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin C and Magnesium. Both should be taken daily. Siberian Ginseng has great properties as adapters. That is to say, they help the body to adapt itself in moments of tension and stress, making sure that the suprarenal glands adequately secretes the body’s anti-inflammatory and stabilizing hormones, thus showing or even eliminating the problems caused by rheumatoid arthritis. It has been found that stress causes this type of arthritis.

A good way to detoxify the body is by means fasting for 1 to 3 days, consuming mostly fruit juices.

The following is also suggested:

  • Do not consume red meats.
  • Take fish oil with Omega-3.
  • Increase consumption of codfish, sardines, tuna and olive oil.
  • Plenty of oranges or grapefruit (Vitamin C).
  • Lots of raw vegetables in salads.
  • Large amounts of strawberries, cherries or cranberries.
  • Minimize intake of salt, sugar and flour.
  • Drink 1 or 2 glasses of low fat milk daily (has large quantity of calcium which is important).
  • Eat cottage cheese and whole wheat.
  • It is recommended to take vitamins A, B1, B12, C and E and the minerals: Selenium, manganese and calcium.
  • To ease pain, willow tea secretes a substance similar to aspirin. Warning! If you are allergic to aspirin do not drink this tea.
  • Do exercises like low impact aerobics, but do not over exert yourself. These exercises will help make the joints more flexible.
  • The use of copper bracelets can help some people with minor cases of arthritis.

Warning! If Arthritis worsens and you are unable to slow it down: consult your physician.

Suggested food supplements for Rheumatoid Arthritis:-

Sl Supplement Dosage Remarks
1 Multivitamin 02/day Till complete relief. Thereafter 01/day for life time.
2 Omega 3 01/day Till complete relief thereafter, 60 days cycle, repeat every six months
3 Vitamin C 04/day Till complete relief. Thereafter 3/day every six months
4 Vitamin E with Selenium 01/day Till complete relief. Thereafter 30 days cycle every six months
5 Calcium & Magnesium 03/day Till complete relief. Thereafter as required.
6 Vitamin B complex 03/day Till complete relief. Thereafter as required.
7 Echinacea 3 tablets at a time per day till 14th thereafter 7 days gap and then 3 tablets at a time for next 14 days, again 14 days gap, repeat this cycle till you get the relief. Till complete relief. Thereafter as required.

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